“Hidden Strike” revolves around the adventures of two former special forces soldiers in Baghdad. Luo Feng and Chris Van Horne are assigned to protect civilians working...
Talk to Me 2023 is a horror film directed by Danny and Michael Philippou. The screenplay for the film was written by Bill Hinzman, Daley Pearson,...
The Oppenheimer film is a biographical drama film written and directed by Christopher Nolan. The film is based on the book “American Prometheus” by Kai Bird...
The Barbie movie is a romantic comedy film based on Mattel’s famous toy doll. The film is directed by Greta Gerwig. Margot Robbie stars as Barbie...
“Mission: Impossible” film series is a popular American film series that combines action, espionage, and thriller genres. The series is a remake of the television series...
Insidious: The Red Door is a horror film set to be released in 2023. It is the fifth and final installment of the Insidious series, directed...
PAW Patrol: The Mighty movie is an animated film based on the television series PAW Patrol1. The film follows the story of a magical meteor that...
The Kraven the Hunter film is an American superhero movie based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. It will be the fourth film...
“Berlin” is a TV series that is available on Netflix. Prior to “Money Heist,” Berlin, along with a skilled gang, comes together in Paris to plan...
The Walking Dead: Dead City series tells the story of Maggie and Negan as they travel to post-apocalyptic Manhattan in search of Maggie’s abducted son, Hershel....